Childcare guide

More than 850,000 children use formal childcare, these children often spend the necessary hours at a daycare center or after-school care or womith a childminder. It is important that you are well informed, Childcare-Guide helps you with this.

Here you will find information about the approximately 17,000 childcare locations (KDV and/or BSO locations) in the Netherlands, the nearly 3,000 organizations that are active in childcare and the more than 350 municipalities with more than 1,700 places, divided over more than 4,000 postal codes.

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For whom

The Childcare Guide is there to familiarize (future) parents and carers with childcare, but also for employees in the sector and professionals who are looking for information.


Are you pregnant with your first child and do you want to register it at a daycare center? Is your child going from day care to a BSO in the near future? What do all those abbreviations such as KDV, PSZ, BSO, KOT and much more mean? At the FAQ you will find answers and explanations.


Not unimportant: the financing of childcare costs, better known as the childcare allowance. The Childcare Guide shows you the way with the many rule(s) that exist and with the calculations.


How many KDV or BSO locations are there now in the Netherlands? And in how many places is there formal childcare such as daycare or after-school care? How many locations does an organization have? The Childcare Guider makes this data transparent via the statistics section.

Childcare map and school map

De gegegevens in dit artikel zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt en gecontroleerd op 12 april 2024